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Wining By The Numbers

Drive Your Basketball IQ to Levels You Never Knew Existed
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What We Do

Simply put, we grow your game. No matter what your age/grade, Know Your Baller is here to help you take your game to the next level. Whether you are a player, a parent, a coach, a recruiter, or a program administrator, KYB has the tools you need to reach the highest level possible.

The old adage still holds true, what gets measured, gets improved.


We measure, you improve.

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Performance Metrics

The gold standard in performance analytics.

Our analytics are unmatched in the industry. We don’t just provide a box score, we provide stats that transcend even NBA advanced stats. Our proprietary measurements are designed to set you apart from the competition.


We provide three levels of analysis; Basic, Advanced, Premium. You will not find anything close to our Advanced and Premium stats in the market today.

Whether you want stats for a game, a season, or a career, we have you covered.



You need exposure, we bring the noise!

Our video platform is designed to provide you with a top shelf exposure point where all your skills will be on display.


We go beyond the traditional mixtape, we isolate events, we incorporate metrics into the videos, we sell your game.

Performance Evaluation

We’ll break it down and we’ll keep it real. We’ll use our proprietary data tools to present you with the intel you need to thrive.


We won’t sugar coat it, we’ll tell you exactly what we see, the things you do well, and the things that must improve in order get to where you want to get to!

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Our Clients, Their Thoughts


Jon Doe


Jane Doe


James Doe

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Hit us up, let’s get started on making you the best Baller out there!




Know Your Baller



1104 E Beechwood Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46227



Business Hours

24/7 365 


You need us we are there!

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